Solar thermal industria
Germany: Process Heat Supply from Vacuum Tubes and Air Collectors on the Rise
There is a distinct difference between the make-up of the German solar process heat segment and the country’s solar thermal market in general and it concerns the type of collectors used. One in four ......
Read MoreNetherlands: Solar Thermal Benefits from SDE+ Solar Heat Tariff
In the Netherlands, solar district heating plants with a capacity of 140 kWth or above can benefit from a feed-in tariff scheme called SDE+, which pays a certain amount per kWh of energy. Under the s......
Read MoreIndia: Collector Market No Longer Depends on Subsidies
The Indian solar thermal market is gradually becoming self-sustaining, as fiscal year 2016 showed renewed signs of growth after the suspension of the national grant scheme in 2014. Overall, the glazed......
Read MoreTurkey: Vacuum Tubes in Residential, Flat Plate in Commercial Segment
Turkey’s solar thermal market remained strong in 2016. However, sales figures are hardly easy to come by, as there is a formal market, on which businesses offer well-known brands, and an informal one......
Read MorePoland: Severe Market Decline on heat pipe solar collector
Poland´s market collapsed in 2016. A decline had been expected, but that it would be so severe surprised even insiders from the industry. Only 115,400 m² (81 MWth) were added in 2016, a whopping 58 ......
Read MoreEurope: Collector Field Is Main Cost Driver of Industrial Solar Heat Plants
Scientists from Germany and Switzerland have recently analysed the cost structures of systems producing solar process heat. They presented their findings in mid-May at the Solar Thermal Energy Symposi......
Read MoreItaly: New Solar Cooling Systems and Opportunities
Government incentives have been pushing solar cooling forwards in Italy. The large budget available for national incentive scheme Conto Termico 2.0 has made several service providers optimistic about ......
Read MoreEgypt and Jordan: SHAMCI to Give New Impetus to Arab Markets
The implementation of SHAMCI, the Solar Heating Arab Mark and Certification Initiative, could help expand the solar thermal market in both Egypt and Jordan. On 15 and 16 May 2017, a workshop held at t......
Read MoreChile: Solar Thermal Market Moves at Half Throttle
One year after the relaunch of the tax credit scheme for solar thermal systems in February 2016 (Law 20.897), some preliminary figures show a small increase of Chile’s solar market. But although the ......
Read MoreHeat pump makes use of low-temperature solar energy for space heating
With round about four decades in business, the German-Slovak Thermosolar Group is one of the oldest solar thermal manufacturers in Europe. It began producing collectors in 1972 in Slovakia and started......
Read More“Need to include solar in architectural education”
Brazil ranks fourth on the list of the world’s largest solar thermal markets, but very few installations have been integrated into a facade or roof. Sylvio de Podestá is the architect behind one of ......
Read MoreGermany: Renewable District Heating Grants
German politicians are beginning to appreciate the benefits of solar district heating, or SDH for short. Germany’s Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, BMWi, has launched District Heating Networ......
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