The Big Expose: Ways to keep your solar water heater running efficiently for a long time.

Making a solar water heater run efficiently for a long time requires several aspects, including equipment purchase, installation, use, and maintenance. The following are some key measures:

Selection of quality products: Choose solar water heaters made of reliable brands and high-quality materials to ensure the durability of collector tubes, tanks, brackets, and other components.

Professional installation: Ensure that solar water heater installation is carried out by professionals to ensure that the bracket is solid, the angle is accurate, and the pipes are connected tightly to avoid problems caused by unregulated installation.

Regular maintenance and cleaning: Clean the dust and dirt on the surface of the collector regularly, and clean the scale in the water tank and pipes in time, especially in hard water areas.

Anti-freezing measures: In cold areas, install anti-freezing equipment or use anti-freezing liquid to prevent water tanks and pipes from rupturing at low temperatures.

Maintain moderate use: Choose a water heater of appropriate capacity according to the needs of the family, avoid frequent overloading, and minimize the frequency of auxiliary heating.

Through these measures, solar water heaters can achieve long-term efficient operation, and reduce energy consumption and maintenance costs, while extending the service life of the equipment.